I am a Star Trek Guy, again…

pixels from mars
2 min readMar 30, 2022

Yes true, I do love Star Trek. But I do not dress as Kirk or Picard nor do I speak Klingon. My apartment is also not filled with 3D models and my walls are not filled with StarTrek movie poster. In fact, my love for Star Trek inflamed in the early 90s when The Next Generation aired on German TV. At the time I finished college and when on to university — I was young, wild & free. When Next Generation ended, I watched a bit DS9 and Voyager and although I liked them both, I somehow fell out of these shows and stopped watching them. My Star Trek flame died.

Sketch of Patrick Steward // StarTrek Picard // 2022

Now — in the #stayhome, or #stillstayhome days I started with Next Generation and watched all episodes in the right order, all seasons. And yes, that ignited my old Star Trek flame again. It is great to see how much content is now at my disposal, StarTrek Picard (!!), Discovery, Lower Decks, the Chris Pine movies, Strange New Worlds is coming soon…great stuff! (Paramount+ is not yet available in Germany tho, bummer)

As I stated above — I never did the cosplay or collector thing with StarTrek (or any other thingy). And to be honest, I never understood how a TV show can make you rebuild the set in your basement, or dominate your wardrobe and be the theme of your living room. That is actually the reason why I never much talked about my love for StarTrek, I always feared to get mistaken for these Trekkies, superfans. Of course that was stupid thinking, now on my way to be an old man I know — Whatever makes you happy!

During #covid I ordered a bunch of sketchbooks, started a drawing habit — stay home therapy so to speak. These two worlds collided as I started to do ‘sofa sketches’ — watching StarTrek, hit pause and create a sketch or drawing from that paused image. So — I guess I am doing #fanart now. I am glad I don’t have to explain this to my younger self ;)

